
I Don't Need It, but I Want Everything from Blackmilk's New Pokemon 2.0 Collection!

 I've LOVED Pokemon since I was a child a.k.a. when Pokemon Yellow first came out in the USA (my first video game). And I'm loving/hating Blackmilk right now, 'cuz LOOK HOW CUTE: All photos from: If you are looking for the modern day pokemon trainer look, you found it! I just put in my order and can't wait to see these beauties in person <3 If, like me, you don't "need" these pieces, but you WANT them, you better get at it quickly; Blackmilk products are known for selling out quick! P.S. Good thing I just paid off my credit card! >0<

Say Yes to the Wedding Dress!

  From a pile of fabric of silk, organza and floral lace to a beautiful piece of art, I was so lucky to be able to obtain my dream wedding dress thanks to Mr. Santos Fashion Design here in Houston!  To find him, I literally googled "best designers in Houston", and his name kept popping up. My curiosity drove me to his shop, and his expertise and wit sealed the deal! Also because he loved my dress idea, (of course).  The dress making process took time, of course, (all while I did my best to not stress eat and ruin the measurements taken; ha ha). Worth the wait and worth every dollar spent! I was in love with the wedding lace the moment I spotted it, and was drooling by the time it started taking form. Dress details below; all pics by my wedding photographer Black Frame Photos:                                                                                      Thanks for viewing! <3

The Most Beautiful Wedding Decorations Done by Rexberry Events!

I recently got married to my best friend! He and I are high school sweethearts that have stayed together for over 14 years. October 2020 is when we finally tied the knot!  I'm extremely happy with my vendors and the wonderful people I worked with that helped me make my dream wedding real! I want to do a blog post/review for each vendor. First, I'd like to share my wedding decorations as done by my good friends David and Sean! I met David at the Houston Bridal Event at the GRB Center (locals know), and we clicked right away! I shared a few ideas of what I basically wanted, and he loved the ideas and already knew what to do! These 2 are geniuses I tell ya! The proof is in the results (all pics by (my vendor's photographer)):   This is the backdrop for my ceremony that was later moved to the reception hall. Just look at all the roses!!    Ceremonial walkway and guest seating. My theme was basically medieval amethyst stones meets flowers and

Year of Lavender?

 Is it just me or am I seeing lavender scented everything everywhere? Personally, I don't mind. I love lavender. It's been my favorite scent going back to college due mainly to its soothing aroma. I mean, have you tried it? If you have anxiety, this is a good scent to have around: "Lavender is most commonly used in aromatherapy. The fragrance from the oils of the lavender plant is believed to help promote calmness and wellness. It's also said to help reduce stress, anxiety, and possibly even mild pain." ( It works for me, at least for a short period of time. I like dabbing a drop of the essential oil in my face mask; makes it easier to wear one. For sure, I prefer the essential oil form of lavender as opposed to store bought lotions, etc. Overall, it's all you need to add the scent to literally everything you own. For example, I really like using a combo of organic coconut oil and lavender

What to Wear to Texas Renaissance Festival 2020

I have been going to Texas Ren Fest since I was a child and have not stopped going since. Of course, it was fun as a youngling, but I like going as an adult better. Food, drinks and people watching are the best, but what people wear is the bee's knees! I love how creative everyone gets. I, however, am more simplistic. Below is what I wore to Ren Fest 2020. Simple and girly is for me and for Ren Fest, velvet ftw! This was one of our first really colds days, so my non-ren fest jacket was necessary. Ha Ha. Mask was off for these pics (don't hate, "Karens"). Bottom line: when in doubt, go with maxi velvets! 

Review of the "Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity" Demo

 First impressions: OMG, I have to have it! This game is basically the first "Hyrule Warriors" and "Breath of the Wild" love child come to the Switch.  I haven't played the first "Hyrule Warriors", (but I will probably buy it soon because reasons). I have watched videos of its gameplay. The concept is clever, and what's not to love about being able to play characters other than Link? I have, however, logged over 310 hours of gameplay for Breath of the Wild (gotta get all the things!). For the BOTW elements alone is why I had to try this demo. Plus, I have a girl crush on this Princess Zelda, so I was super curious to see what fighting techniques she will have. I was not disappointed. She is the third (and last) character you can play on the demo. Sorry! Spoiler alert! (Only one, promise.) Speaking of crushes and cuties, how adorable is the little Guardian robot in the intro? I may need a tattoo or art piece for it. On the internet, young Impa (<